Inland Control & Services Inc.

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Spring is Finally Here!

It normally takes awhile for Spring to reach Northern British Columbia, but this year it felt like it took way too long. Now that it looks like we're finally done with the snow, we have some spring cleaning tips for you to prepare your household and your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system for the warmer days to come. 

Once the inside of your home had been cleaned and cleared out of the winter things, it will really begin to feel like spring. Winter coats, snow pants, mittens and toques can be put away for the fall. Winter boots can be cleaned up and put away - its time for rain boots! Move other wintry clothes to the back of your closet or dresser to make room for the warmer weather clothes that you will soon be wearing more often. Now is a great time to go through your clothes and shoes (and the rest of your house) and donate the items you no longer want. 

By now your windows are in need of a cleaning inside and out, as well as your fire place. Its also a great time to go on a dusting spree. Wipe off your ceiling fan and vacuum after dusting. Make sure to change out your air filter in your HVAC system and keep a couple air filters on hand to change them out throughout the summer when there are more particles such as dust, molds, pollen and other contaminates in the air. A programmable thermostat is also a great addition to your home if you don't already have one. Especially during the months that it is cold at night and in the mornings, but warm during the day. You can set your thermostat accordingly which is more energy efficient, will make your home more comfortable and save you money. You should also test your emergency systems such as security systems, smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure they are working properly.

Once the snow is finally gone, we can get outdoors and begin preparing the backyard for patio season! Take a walk around your home and check the caulking around doors and windows, replace weather stripping, and clear out clogged gutters and downspouts. It may be too early to plant anything or start watering the lawn, but you can rake up dead leaves and other debris and prep your soil if you plan on planting soon. Take a pressure washer to any concrete, patio stones, or siding that has become dirty over the winter months. While outside, take a look at your outdoor unit. Clear away any debris that had fallen on top of the unit or into the condenser coil. It is always a good idea to call a technician and get your HVAC system checked out in the spring and in the fall. It's important to ensure a thorough check has been done and that your system is running smoothly so that a problem doesn't occur in the middle of the hot summer months. Give our office a call to book an appointment so you can check servicing your HVAC system off of your spring to-do list!

Happy cleaning!